GADT allows some form of dynamic typing:
type _ gadt =
| Int: int -> int gadt
| Float: float -> float gadt
let f: type a. a gadt -> a = function
| Int x -> x + 1
| Float x -> x +. 1.
I'd like to be able to do the same kind of dispatch, but with a parametrized type, with the parameter of the gadt accessible from the outside. If the parameter is universally quantified, or fixed, this is easy:
type (_,_) container =
| List: 'a list -> ('a,'a list) container
let f : type a b. (a,b) container -> b = fun (List l) -> l
let g : type a b. a -> (a, b) container -> b = fun x (List l) -> x::l
let h : type b. (int, b) container -> b = fun (List l) -> 1::l
However if there are other form of constraints on the parameter this does not work:
class ['a] ko (x:'a) = object
method m : type b. ('a, b) container -> b = fun (List l) -> x::l
I get the error: The type constructor a#0 would escape its scope. I guess this is due to outside-in restriction, without fully understanding the domain.
The only solution I found was to use Higher module:
open Higher
module Higher_List = Newtype1 (struct type 'a t = 'a list end)
type ('a,_) container = List: 'a list -> ('a, Higher_List.t) container
class ['a] c (x:'a) = object
method m : type b. b container -> ('a,b) app = fun (List l) -> Higher_List.inj(x::l)
This solution is far from being perfect however: first it is verbose, with inj and prj everywhere, and more importantly, it have a lot of limitation: the 'a parameter can't have constraints, nor variance...
Is anyone aware of a better solution ?
After some thinking, Drup solution is working, but it must be taken with care ! In my full problem (not the toy program in this question) I need to have access to self in the method definition. So going back to Drup solution, I must pass self to the intermediate function, and to do so, I must give it a type. So I must first declare a class type...
class type ['a] c_type = object
method m: ('a, 'b) container -> 'b
let cons : type a b. a c_type -> a -> (a,b) container -> b =
fun self x (List l) -> x::l
class ['a] c (x:'a) = object(self: 'a #c_type)
method m = cons (self :> 'a c_type) x
This won't work however if class c
have a constraint on 'a
: the type of cons
won't be valid, as a
must be universally quantified but have a contraint in a c_type
. The solution is to write c_type
without the constraint on 'a
. Note however that this means a lot of rewriting. In many cases, just omitting the constraint is not sufficient to make it disappear: all of its usage must be unconstraint...
So the final solution looks like:
type (_,_) container =
| List: 'a list -> ('a,'a list) container
class type ['a] c_type = object
(* no constraint on 'a, and take care of its usage ! *)
method m: ('a, 'b) container -> 'b
let cons : type a b. a c_type -> a -> (a,b) container -> b =
fun self x (List l) -> x::l (* in real code, self is used... *)
class ['a] c (x:'a) = object(self: 'a #c_type)
constraint 'a = < .. > (* well just for the example *)
method m = cons (self :> 'a c_type) x
Why try complicated when you can do simple ? :)
type (_,_) container =
| List: 'a list -> ('a,'a list) container
let cons : type a b. a -> (a, b) container -> b = fun x (List l) -> x::l
class ['a] ko (x:'a) = object
method m : type b. ('a, b) container -> b = cons x
This kind of constructions are tricky, since the placement of the locally abstract type is important. In your case, you would like a locally abstract type at the outer layer of the class (for the type a
) which is not possible. Making an intermediate, properly abstracted, function usually helps.
Also, do not use higher
. It's a proof that you can encode HKT in the module system, not an encouragement to actually do it.