I need to use the JQuery spinner for hours so the template will be: 00:00:00:00
Currently the spinner is set only for numbers.
How can I do it?
The easiest solution would be to have a spinner for each number. I set up a demo here.
<div class="demo">
<label for="amount">Set the time (hh:mm:ss:fr):</label>
<input class="time hour" name="hour" value="0" />
<input class="time min" name="min" value="0" />
<input class="time sec" name="sec" value="0" />
<input class="time frames" name="frames" value="0" />
$(function() {
min: 0,
max: 59,
step: 1,
start: 0,
precision: 0,
width: '2em'
$(".hour").spinner('option','max', 23);
$(".frames").spinner('option', 'max', 100);