
How do I extract text of a single HTML element by tag name using MSXML in VBA?

I'm trying to extract US Patent titles using MSXML6.

On the full-text html view of a patent document on the USPTO website, the patent title appears as the first and only "font" element that is a child of "body".

Here is my function that is not working (I get no error; the cell with the formula just stays blank).

Can somebody help me figure out what is wrong?

An example URL that I am feeding into the function is

Function getUSPatentTitle(url As String)
    Static colTitle As New Collection
    Dim title As String
    Dim pageSource As String

    Dim xDoc As MSXML2.DOMDocument
    Dim xNode As IXMLDOMNode

    On Error Resume Next

    title = colTitle(url)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        Set html_doc = CreateObject("htmlfile")
        Set xml_obj = CreateObject("MSXML6.XMLHTTP60")

        xml_obj.Open "GET", url, False
        pageSource = xml_obj.responseText
        Set xml_obj = Nothing

        Set xDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
        If Not xDoc.LoadXML(pageSource) Then  
            Err.Raise xDoc.parseError.ErrorCode, , xDoc.parseError.reason
        End If

        Set xNode = xDoc.getElementsByTagName("font").Item(1)

        title = xNode.Text
        If Not title = "" Then colTitle.Add Item:=title, Key:=url
    End If

    On Error GoTo 0 ' I understand "GoTo" is dangerous coding but copied from somebody and so far haven't thought of a more natural substitute for a GoTo statement

    getUSPatentTitle = title
End Function


  • Just a few points:

    This should work:

    Function getUSPatentTitle(url As String)
        Static colTitle As New Collection
        Dim title As String
        Dim pageSource As String
        Dim errorNumber As Integer
        On Error Resume Next
        title = colTitle(url)
        errorNumber = Err.Number
        On Error GoTo 0
        If errorNumber <> 0 Then
            Dim xml_obj As XMLHTTP60
            Set xml_obj = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
            xml_obj.Open "GET", url, False
            pageSource = xml_obj.responseText
            Set xml_obj = Nothing
            Dim html_doc As HTMLDocument
            Set html_doc = CreateObject("HTMLFile")
            html_doc.body.innerHTML = pageSource
            Dim fontElement As IHTMLElement
            Set fontElement = html_doc.getElementsByTagName("font").Item(3)
            title = fontElement.innerText
            If Not title = "" Then colTitle.Add Item:=title, Key:=url
        End If
        getUSPatentTitle = title
    End Function