Due some problems with the hanging of a python process (yandex-tank) during the build process in Jenkins (after which the build could not stop) i need to stop this problematic process with some additional kill command with timeout or using timeout command itself:
timeout $TIMEOUT yandex-tank-jmeter -i -o "jmeter.jmx=$WORKSPACE/$TEST_PLAN"
timeout sends default (15) kill signal, but after that the build goes to status FAILED.
Is there any workaround or special kill signal to make builds successful ?
Have you tried manual exit code overriding?
timeout $TIMEOUT yandex-tank-jmeter -i -o "jmeter.jmx=$WORKSPACE/$TEST_PLAN"; RES=$?
//If the command timed out, then RES equals 124.
//at the end of job scenario:
if [ $RES -eq 124 ]; then RES=0;
exit $RES