I have to give the user an option to capture video in my app but I not want the preview appear (or take a space) when the video is not recording.
Therefore I build a floating preview using FragmentTransaction
based on camera2video google example.
My class variables are:
FragmentTransaction fm = null;
Camera2VideoFragment camera2VideoFragment;
And I create an instance and initialize the camera in OnCreate
camera2VideoFragment = Camera2VideoFragment.newInstance();
if (null == savedInstanceState) {
fm = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction()
.replace(R.id.container, camera2VideoFragment);
I want to visibile and hide the preview(fragment) using the menu methods (onOptionsItemSelected):
case R.id.action_captureScreen:
if (item.isChecked())
fm.commit(); // show the preview - working
// camera2VideoFragment.captureVideo(); // start capture video
//camera2VideoFragment.captureVideo(); // stop the video and save to file
fm.detach(camera2VideoFragment); // hide the preview - NOT WORKING
I also tried fm.hide(camera2VideoFragment)
but it also does not work.
So, the question is, how can I hide/show the preview?
You're confusing some terms.
A transaction is only "executed" by the fragment system after you commit it. Before calling commit()
nothing happens.
So you have do execute two different transactions, one for show and a different one for hiding.