I am trying to make an android player and a problem occurred while making the equalizer. There is limit of equalizer bands, for example Nexus 5 has 5 band equalizer by default. Several players (such as Poweramp) somehow managed to get 10 band equalizer even on phones that have 5, 6 or 13 bands for example by default.
I am using Equalizer class to attach it to MediaPlayer and generally I understand how that works, but how to make 10 bands on phone that has by default only 5 bands?
So my question is how is this possible and how do some players manage to get 10 band equalizer on all phones, regardless of their system/hardware limit?
Like you said frequency depends on hardware on a device. I tested with my Nexus 5 and it has 5 bands with these values:
You can get number of bands and presets with this code:
short numberOfBands = equalizer.getNumberOfBands();
short numberOfPresets = equalizer.getNumberOfPresets();
Frequency range of band you can get with this code:
final short minLevel = equalizer.getBandLevelRange()[0]; // get min range
final short maxLevel = equalizer.getBandLevelRange()[1]; // get max range
To show bends you do that like this:
for(short i = 0; i < numberOfBands; i++){
SeekBar seekBar = ...
mTextViewMin.setText(minLevel + "");
mTextViewMax.setText(maxLevel + "");
To initialize Equalizer:
Equalizer equalizer = new Equalizer(0, mediaplayer.getAudioSessionId());
Read more about equalizer here: Equalizer Android Developer