In A.php
I include config.php
and B.php
is generic script used by other scripts. I don't know if script, which included B.php
, also included config.php
so in B.php
there is
The problem is that in A.php
I can read all the variables from config.php
, but in B.php
they aren't set. If I do print_r(get_included_files())
in B.php
, I can see that config.php
is included.
What is causing this? How can I properly include that config.php
so it will be available in B.php
(and other scripts included by A.php
EDIT: added scripts content.
$db_ip = "";
$db_pass ="";
$db_port = 30050;
$db_name_hlstats = "";
$db_name_csgo = "";
$db_name_report = "";
$db_web_host = "";
$db_web_port = "3306";
$db_web_login = "";
$db_web_pass = "";
$db_web_name = "";
function GetServers()
print_r(get_included_files()); // shows config.php in included files
echo "servers.php | $db_ip:$db_port"; // variables show nothing
$pdo = getPDOConnection($db_ip, $db_login, $db_pass, $db_name_csgo, $db_port);
$query = "SELECT ...";
$result = getPDOQueryResult($pdo, $query, __FILE__, __LINE__);
$res = array();
foreach ($result as $row)
$res[$row["server_id"]] = $row;
return $res;
the reason you are not getting results in B.php
is because you are using include_once
which will only include the file if it has not already been included. In your case you include it in A.php
so it sees that it has already been loaded and will not load it again within B.php
(aka it will skip the include).
If you use include
instead within your B.php
function you should see your results.
and include_once
are usually best when including libraries, that contain classes/methods/functions so you don't accidentally attempt to define them more than once.
class MyClass{
// Contains some methods
When including the file doing this:
include 'MyClass.php';
include 'MyClass.php';
You will get an error saying '"MyClass" has already been defined' when it tries to load the second include.
include_once 'MyClass.php';
include_once 'MyClass.php';
PHP will skip loading the second include and you won't get an error saying that the class has already been defined.
So for you B.php
it would be a good idea to do a require_once
or include_once
so you don't redefine your function and get an error.
You should also note that there are differences between include*
and require*
When using include*
if the file couldn't be loaded the script will continue to run and depending on what you're doing could corrupt data/results.
When using require*
if the file couldn't be loaded the script will end execution.