I'm trying to iterate through database file with gdbm, create objects with values I get and assign them to an array. The problem is I can't seem to get index of iteration and I need it for my array. Here is the code:
bots_directory = "../data/bots.db"
bots = Array.new
GDBM.new(bots_directory).each_pair.with_index do |nickname, password, index|
bots[index] = Bot.new(nickname, password)
Error I get:
`[]=': no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError)
Also, will database file close after the block is executed?
I would use each_with_index
instead of each_pair.with_index
bots_directory = "../data/bots.db"
bots = []
GDBM.new(bots_directory).each_with_index do |(nickname, password), index|
bots[index] = Bot.new(nickname, password)
Or even simpler, since the index starts from 0
and increases by 1
bots_directory = "../data/bots.db"
bots = []
GDBM.new(bots_directory).each_pair do |nickname, password|
bots << Bot.new(nickname, password)
Perhaps map
is also an option?
bots_directory = "../data/bots.db"
bots = GDBM.new(bots_directory).map do |nickname, password|
Bot.new(nickname, password)