
android divide image into sub images ,recognizing

I want to divide the image into sub images and when I click on a part of the image will give me the name of the region, for example, this is my question how to recognize a region from the image, or how to divide the image into sub-images and use it in imageViews

And thank you in advance


  • In my opinion @fractalwrench's idea is quite good for your case. Basic steps are listed below.

    public class MultiRegionImageView extends ImageView {
        RegionProvider mRegionProvider;
        int mId = -1;
        private Paint mPaint;
        public MultiRegionImageView(Context context) {
        public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
            mId = mRegionProvider.getRegionIdByPoint(event.getX(), event.getY());
            return super.onTouchEvent(event);
        protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
            if(mId != -1) {
                canvas.drawPath(mRegionProvider.getRegionBoundaryPath(mId), mPaint);
        public interface RegionProvider{
            int getRegionIdByPoint(float x, float y);
            Path getRegionBoundaryPath(int id);