I am looking for a way to set encrypted partitions with Ansible automatically on Ubuntu/Debian Linux servers.
Assume a computer with an existing root filling up the whole disk
Chop a piece out of this partition and make a new partition out of it
Encrypt the partition using LUKS or Truecrypt
Taking passphrase as input for the playbook
I am very new to Ansible, so if anyone could point me direction where to start (existing disk partition roles, encrypted disk roles and such). Can I drive fdisk with Ansible? How to make sure the role doesn't try to create the partition twice (when provisioning is run again).
Writing an Ansible role which does this is not as easy as it might seem when you want to do it right (e.g. idempotent and be robust). I know that because I just wrote/rewrote one :)
It is able to handle 2 of your 3 wanted features:
I decided against including support to create partitions to the role itself to keep complexity down.