I am able to understand the basics of point-free functions in Haskell:
addOne x = 1 + x
As we see x on both sides of the equation, we simplify it:
addOne = (+ 1)
Incredibly it turns out that functions where the same argument is used twice in different parts can be written point-free!
Let me take as a basic example the average
function written as:
average xs = realToFrac (sum xs) / genericLength xs
It may seem impossible to simplify xs
, but http://pointfree.io/ comes out with:
average = ap ((/) . realToFrac . sum) genericLength
That works.
As far as I understand this states that average
is the same as calling ap
on two functions, the composition of (/) . realToFrac . sum
and genericLength
Unfortunately the ap
function makes no sense whatsoever to me, the docs http://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- state:
ap :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
In many situations, the liftM operations can be replaced by uses of ap,
which promotes function application.
return f `ap` x1 `ap` ... `ap` xn
is equivalent to
liftMn f x1 x2 ... xn
But writing:
let average = liftM2 ((/) . realToFrac . sum) genericLength
does not work, (gives a very long type error message, ask and I'll include it), so I do not understand what the docs are trying to say.
How does the expression ap ((/) . realToFrac . sum) genericLength
work? Could you explain ap
in simpler terms than the docs?
When the monad m
is (->) a
, as in your case, you can define ap
as follows:
ap f g = \x -> f x (g x)
We can see that this indeed "works" in your pointfree example.
average = ap ((/) . realToFrac . sum) genericLength
average = \x -> ((/) . realToFrac . sum) x (genericLength x)
average = \x -> (/) (realToFrac (sum x)) (genericLength x)
average = \x -> realToFrac (sum x) / genericLength x
We can also derive ap
from the general law
ap f g = do ff <- f ; gg <- g ; return (ff gg)
that is, desugaring the do
ap f g = f >>= \ff -> g >>= \gg -> return (ff gg)
If we substitute the definitions of the monad methods
m >>= f = \x -> f (m x) x
return x = \_ -> x
we get the previous definition of ap
back (for our specific monad (->) a
). Indeed:
app f g
= f >>= \ff -> g >>= \gg -> return (ff gg)
= f >>= \ff -> g >>= \gg -> \_ -> ff gg
= f >>= \ff -> g >>= \gg _ -> ff gg
= f >>= \ff -> \x -> (\gg _ -> ff gg) (g x) x
= f >>= \ff -> \x -> (\_ -> ff (g x)) x
= f >>= \ff -> \x -> ff (g x)
= f >>= \ff x -> ff (g x)
= \y -> (\ff x -> ff (g x)) (f y) y
= \y -> (\x -> f y (g x)) y
= \y -> f y (g y)