I have AdSense account with custom channels on it I make every thing but there are two problems:
My data:
"access_token" : "XXXX.XXXX",
"token_type" : "XXXX",
"expires_in" : XXXX,
"created" : XXXX
My update statements:
$access_token_update = json_decode($access_token);
$access_token_update->created = time();
I'm getting this error message:
(401) Invalid Credentials
My code:
$service= new Google_Service_AdSense($client);
do steps in this video
save code from results example
"access_token": "XXXXXXXX",
"token_type": "XXXX",
"expires_in": XXXX,
"refresh_token": "XXXXXXXXX"
then update your file as the following
$access_token = "from database or file or what you want to save"; // this will be code you got by doing steps in this video.
$access_token_json = json_decode($access_token);
$client->refreshToken($access_token_json ->refresh_token);
$service= new Google_Service_AdSense($client);
enjoy :) thanks