
WatchKit - Force Touch API Questions

Some questions to the Force Touch Menu:

  1. Now when I perform a Force Touch and press one of my menu Items, the whole InterfaceController, where my Menu is implemented is loading new. Is this avoidable?

  2. I've implemented a menu with 4 menuItems for my InterfaceController.

With one of this menuItems, I want to enable/disable the haptic Feedback of my Buttons.

My button methods are like this:

- (IBAction) but1Pressed {
       [[WKInterfaceDevice currentDevice] playHaptic:WKHapticType.Click];
       // Do something

How can I disable the TapticEngine, if the user disables it ind the ForceTouchMenu?


    1. No, as by today that's not possible.

    2. If I understand you properly, you need a BOOL which defines whether the app should perform haptic feedback when a button in your interface controller is being pressed.

    To realise that, implement the following:

    BOOL shouldGiveTapticFeedback = YES

    Then you need a method to change this BOOL when the corresponding menu item is being pressed:

    - (IBAction) tapticFeedbackChangeButtonPressed {
       //change BOOL value
       shouldGiveTapticFeedback = !shouldGiveTapticFeedback

    Finally, you need to check whether the taptic feedback should be played, when a button in your interface controller is being pressed:

    - (IBAction) interfaceButtonPressed {
       if(shouldGiveTapticFeedback) {
          //play sound
          [[WKInterfaceDevice currentDevice] playHaptic:WKHapticType.Click];
    1. No, that's not possible either.