Motivation: Every class/interface/annotation/enum has to be annotated by @SomeAnnotation. However we want this annotation to be only at the top level classes and not at the inner ones.
The goal is to create a structural inspection which warns developers that they forgot to annotate the classes. How can I specify the structural search/replace to find all such top level structures missing the @SomeAnnotation?
Something like this should work:
@$Annotation$ // min: 0, max: 0, text/regexp: SomeAnnotation
class $C$ {} // min: 1, max: 1
// Complete Match - Script text:
if (C instanceof com.intellij.psi.PsiIdentifier) C = C.parent
C.containingClass == null && !(C instanceof com.intellij.psi.PsiAnonymousClass)
First line of the script is necessary for IntelliJ IDEA 14. The C
in the script references $C$
in the pattern.
Replacement template:
class $C$ {}
Full template for importing (using the Import Template from Clipboard
under the tool button in the dialog):
<replaceConfiguration name="Method calls" text="@$Annotation$ class $C$ {}" recursive="false" caseInsensitive="true" type="JAVA" pattern_context="default" reformatAccordingToStyle="false" shortenFQN="false" replacement="@SomeAnnotation class $C$ {}">
<constraint name="__context__" script=""if (C instanceof com.intellij.psi.PsiIdentifier) C = C.parent C.containingClass == null && !(C instanceof com.intellij.psi.PsiAnonymousClass)"" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="Annotation" regexp="SomeAnnotation" minCount="0" maxCount="0" within="" contains="" />
<constraint name="C" within="" contains="" />