
Deploying angular.js yeoman to GitHub pages

I can't deploy to GitHub pages my yeoman angular application. I was using deploy yeoman tutorial:

  1. Remove the dist directory from the .gitignore file. Yeoman projects ignore it by default.
  2. Add the dist directory to your repository: git add dist && git commit -m "Initial dist subtree commit"
  3. Deploy the subtree to a different branch. Specify a relative path to your dist directory with --prefix: git subtree push --prefix dist origin gh-pages

But my GitHub page still using code from branch master. For example is showing some data, but not dist branch gh-pages


My repo:


  • I think you have to add your Angular application in a new repository in the branch gh-pages.

    I recommend you this things:

    Check my example: I have this repo to add the code for my main page: My main repo. Then, I create a new repo with new code here. Check the gh-pages branch, the code is available here.