I am using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise and ASP.NET vNext Beta8 to build an endpoint that both issues and consumes JWT tokens as described in detail here.
I am at the phase in my project where I want to allow the JWT bearer authentication to proceed as discussed in the article mentioned above, but once the token has been authenticated I want to:
I'm sure this will involve a scoped IContosoPrincipal object and I can likely figure that part out, but I'm not sure how to intercept JWT authentication after the token is successfully authenticated but before controller/action invocation takes place.
Any advice on how to approach this would be much appreciated.
Custom principals/identities are not (and won't be) officially supported in ASP.NET 5. You can find more information on this topic: https://github.com/aspnet/Security/issues/323.
Instead, you're strongly encouraged to store the data you need as individual claims, and provide extension methods around ClaimsIdentity
when needed (e.g if you need to format the claim value).
FWIW, this pattern is heavily used by ASP.NET Identity 3 itself, that comes with built-in extensions (like GetUserName
or GetUserId
) that you can use in your own code:
/// <summary>
/// Returns the User ID claim value if present otherwise returns null.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="principal">The <see cref="ClaimsPrincipal"/> instance this method extends.</param>
/// <returns>The User ID claim value, or null if the claim is not present.</returns>
/// <remarks>The User ID claim is identified by <see cref="ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier"/>.</remarks>
public static string GetUserId(this ClaimsPrincipal principal)
if (principal == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(principal));
return principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier);