
Worklight_HydribApp_PushNotification for Windows Phone 8 Using MPNS

Hi we have developed an application using IBM MobileFirst Studio 7.0.0,In order to send notifications for Android and IOS Platforms we used GCM and APNS respectively and everything worked fine coming to Windows Phone 8 application we are planning to go with MPNS(Microsoft Push Notification Services) concept.

As per MPNS is concerned we are planning to go with Authenticated push services which can give us unlimited access to send notifications, we require a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate keystore for the same.

The keystore can contain several certificates, one of which is the certificate for authenticated push notifications to MPNS. To use MPNS concept we need certificate which is authenticated push notifications.

How to generate that certificate and do we need any web service to develop MPNS Push Notification for Windows Phone 8?

as part of my research followed this link.


  • In the link you have found, you will see how to generate a SSL Keystore and certificates - here. Once you have the certificates, login to Windows Development center and upload the certificate there. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the following links:

    Setting up an authenticated web service

    Enabling no-quota push notifications

    No-quota push notifications