Its been an interesting an busy week. I am working on a Rails project and included Grape
to implement the API.
The API has 2 sections
I setup the app with and all is working...
For stating that a header is required I use some thing like this...
class ProfilesApi < Grape::API
resource :profiles do
desc 'List all profiles' do
headers Authorization: {
description: 'Validates identity through JWT provided in auth/login',
required: true
get do
present User.all, with: Presenters::ProfilePresenter
Now the problem is that I this description in a lot of similar mountable API classes.
Is there a way that can kind of make this common (kind of inherited) so that I don't need to define it wit every Grape method.
desc 'List all profiles' do
headers Authorization: {
description: 'Validates identity through JWT provided in auth/login',
required: true
Yes, there's a way. I achieve that by defining a method in class API
so that it's accessible in everything that inherits from API
. Something like:
module Myapp
class API < Grape::API
def self.auth_headers
{ Authorization: { description: 'Validates identity through JWT provided in auth/login',required: true}}
And you access it like that:
desc "List all profiles", {
headers: Myapp::API.auth_headers
Of course, there're much more ways but they depend on your implementation.