I would like to search through a file and find all instances where the last non-blank character is a comma and move the line below that up one. Essentially, undoing line continuations like
private static final double SOME_NUMBERS[][] = {
{1.0, -6.032174644509064E-23},
{-0.25, -0.25},
{-0.16624879837036133, -2.6033824355191673E-8}
and transforming that to
private static final double SOME_NUMBERS[][] = {
{1.0, -6.032174644509064E-23}, {-0.25, -0.25}, {-0.16624879837036133, -2.6033824355191673E-8}
Is there a good way to do this?
As mjswartz suggests in the comments, we need a sed substitution command like s/,\n/ /g
. That, however, does not work by itself because, by default, sed reads in only one line at a time. We can fix that by reading in the whole file first and then doing the substitution:
$ sed 'H;1h;$!d;x; s/,[[:blank:]]*\n[[:blank:]]*/, /g;' file
private static final double SOME_NUMBERS[][] = {
{1.0, -6.032174644509064E-23}, {-0.25, -0.25}, {-0.16624879837036133, -2.6033824355191673E-8}
Because this reads in the whole file at once, this is not a good approach for huge files.
The above was tested with GNU sed.
This series of commands reads in the whole file. It is probably simplest to think of this as an idiom. If you really want to know the gory details:
- Append current line to hold space 1h
- If this is the first line, overwrite the hold space with it $!d
- If this is not the last line, delete pattern space and jump to the next line. x
- Exchange hold and pattern space to put whole file in pattern space s/,[[:blank:]]*\n[[:blank:]]*/, /g
This looks for lines that end with a comma, optionally followed by blanks, followed by a newline and replaces that, and any leading space on the following line, with a comma and a single space.