How can one compile a XeLaTeX
tex document using latexmk
on Mac OS X?
At present I am running latexmk job.tex
and getting an error:
* XeTeX is required to compile this document.
* Sorry!
\RequireXeTeX ...********************************}
\endgroup \fi
l.18 \RequireXeTeX
? ^D
! Emergency stop.
\RequireXeTeX ...********************************}
\endgroup \fi
l.18 \RequireXeTeX
The first line of my tex file is (as suggested by this post):
% !TEX TS-program = xelatexmk
and I've tried others (e.g. program=xelatex), but to no avail.
describes its commands as follows:
$ latexmk -commands xelatex job
Commands used by latexmk:
To run latex, I use "latex %O %S"
To run pdflatex, I use "pdflatex %O %S"
There doesn't appear bo be any logical mechanism for selecting a tex program from the command line, and it's not clear from the source how one would do this, either.
I've also looked atrubber
, but it doesn't seem to work either.
I appreciate any insight you may be able to provide.
That's my quick fix, so that latexmk
works with XeLaTeX:
`elsif (/^-xelatex$/) { $pdf_mode = 1; $pdflatex = 'xelatex %O %S'; $pdf_previewer =
'start evince %O %S';}`
above (or near) the line
`elsif (/^-pdf$/) { $pdf_mode = 1; }`
Then you can call latexmk -xelatex file.tex
. Works, but I didn't test it extensively. Should work similarly with lualatex