I'm getting a compiler error with the following code, slightly modified from one of the examples provided by the C++ Actor Framework. The error description is:
'void caf::intrusive_ptr_release(caf::ref_counted *)': cannot convert argument 1 from 'caf::typed_actor<caf::typed_mpi<caf::detail::type_list<plus_atom,int,int>,caf::detail::type_list<result_atom,int>,caf::detail::empty_type_list>,caf::typed_mpi<caf::detail::type_list<minus_atom,int,int>,caf::detail::type_list<result_atom,int>,caf::detail::empty_type_list>> ' to 'caf::ref_counted *' include\caf\intrusive_ptr.hpp 70
Here is the source code (again, modified from a C++ Actor Framework example):
#include "caf/all.hpp"
using namespace caf;
using plus_atom = atom_constant<atom("plus")>;
using minus_atom = atom_constant<atom("minus")>;
using result_atom = atom_constant<atom("result")>;
using calculator_type = typed_actor<replies_to<plus_atom, int, int>::with<result_atom, int>,
replies_to<minus_atom, int, int>::with<result_atom, int>>;
calculator_type::behavior_type typed_calculator(calculator_type::pointer)
[](plus_atom, int x, int y)
return std::make_tuple(result_atom::value, x + y);
[](minus_atom, int x, int y)
return std::make_tuple(result_atom::value, x - y);
int main()
Using the templated spawn_typed call requires that an implementing class be referenced as in the following example:
#include "caf/all.hpp"
using namespace caf;
using plus_atom = atom_constant<atom("plus")>;
using minus_atom = atom_constant<atom("minus")>;
using result_atom = atom_constant<atom("result")>;
using calculator_type = typed_actor<replies_to<plus_atom, int, int>::with<result_atom, int>,
replies_to<minus_atom, int, int>::with<result_atom, int>>;
class typed_calculator_class : public calculator_type::base
behavior_type make_behavior() override
[](plus_atom, int x, int y)
return std::make_tuple(result_atom::value, x + y);
[](minus_atom, int x, int y)
return std::make_tuple(result_atom::value, x - y);
int main()
Alternatively, to use a non-class based typed actor, simply omit the templating argument from the original code: