I would like to change a one property name ( "modcluster.proxylist" ) with setm Command in Puppet. My following code is not working. Any help is much appreciated.
augeas { "jboss_domain_config":
incl => "/opt/domain.xml",
lens => "Xml.lns",
context => "/files/opt/domain.xml",
onlyif => "match /files/opt/domain.xml/domain/server-groups/*/system-properties/*/#attribute/name modcluster.proxylist"
changes => "setm /files/opt/domain.xml/domain/server-groups server-group[.]/system-properties/property[.]/#attribute/value kumaran",
Following is my Source XML which i would like to change.
<server-group name="ServiceGroupOne" profile="full-ha">
<property name="jboss.default.multicast.address" value="" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="modcluster.proxylist" value="" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="modcluster.lbgroup" value="SearchGroupOne" boot-time="true"/>
<server-group name="ServiceGroupTwo" profile="full-ha">
<property name="jboss.default.multicast.address" value="" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="modcluster.lbgroup" value="SearchGroupTwo" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="modcluster.proxylist" value="" boot-time="true"/>
<server-group name="ServiceGroupThree" profile="full-ha">
<property name="modcluster.lbgroup" value="CommonSearchGroup" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="modcluster.proxylist" value="" boot-time="true"/>
<property name="jboss.default.multicast.address" value="" boot-time="true"/>
There's quite a few problems in there. Let's deal with them one by one:
it seems the domain.xml
code you provide is wrong, as there's no domain
and server-groups
nodes as your Puppet code suggests. I take it there's two more levels around the code you provided:
<!-- the rest of the file -->
there's no need to set context
when using incl
and lens
, it's automatic
works: the first parameter is the nodeset on which Augeas will loop, the second one is the subnode to set and the third one the valuesetm
is inherently idempotent, there's really no need to use onlyif
here.Here's the result:
augeas { "jboss_domain_config":
incl => "/tmp/domain.xml",
lens => "Xml.lns",
changes => "setm domain/server-groups/server-group system-properties/property[#attribute/name='modcluster.proxylist']/#attribute/value kumaran",