Is it possible to extend classes created using the new Enum
functionality in Python 3.4? How?
Simple subclassing doesn't appear to work. An example like
from enum import Enum
class EventStatus(Enum):
success = 0
failure = 1
class BookingStatus(EventStatus):
duplicate = 2
unknown = 3
will give an exception like TypeError: Cannot extend enumerations
or (in more recent versions) TypeError: BookingStatus: cannot extend enumeration 'EventStatus'
How can I make it so that BookingStatus
reuses the enumeration values from EventStatus
and adds more?
Subclassing an enumeration is allowed only if the enumeration does not define any members.
Allowing subclassing of enums that define members would lead to a violation of some important invariants of types and instances.
So no, it's not directly possible.