I'm using JXCore to package the source files of my Node.js App. I have a problem with the locales in the packaged .exe and .jx
new Date().toLocaleString(["de"])
outputs in node app.js
2015-10-29 14:47:18
in jx app.jx
and compiled app.exe
Thu Oct 29 2015 14:47:18 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Zeit)
Obviously, this isn't the same output. Are there any fixes? Thanks.
From what I saw this Node.js between their versions reveals this difference too.
# node v0.10.38 (v8: '')
Fri Nov 13 2015 16:20:07 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time)
# node v0.12.2 (v8: '3.28.73')
11/13/2015, 4:20:07 PM
Not going into details this is probably related with underlying V8 engine differences.
JXcore by default uses V8 v3.14.5.9 and produces same output as node v0.10.38.
Probably your node
is v12+, hence the difference.
But this is true, that JXcore SM (SpiderMonkey) uses format even different from the two above:
# jxcore sm
Friday, November 13, 2015 16:20:06