
PreloadJS to pass to background-image

Am using Preload JS to load my images. Some of these images however need to be injected as background-images in CSS. However this doesn't work.

When I pass my 'background' to $('.main').css('background-image', 'url(' + img + ')'); the HTML is "background-image: url(;"

My issue is that I want to preload the image, get it via its ID and the write it to CSS Background Image. How do I do this?

Looking into the event the path is just - blob:http%3A//

If I put the images into my CSS I can see it being double loaded. The CSS images being loaded and then PreloadJS loading them again.

I got it to work by travesing the Event of HandleFileLoad. Getting the ID and then injecting the event.result.currentSrc but it would need alot of code repetition.

    if( === 'slide1'){
        $(".slide1").css({"background-image": 'url('+event.result.currentSrc+')'});

But this is hardly ideal if I have alot of images to push into backgrounds.

Any help would be appreciated.

Below is my code.

var preload;
var loader;
var manifest;

manifest = ([
    {id: 'background', src:'Main_1_Background.jpg'}

preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(true, 'img/');
preload.on('fileload', handleFileLoad);
preload.on('progress', handleOverallProgress);
preload.on('fileprogress', handleFileProgress);
preload.on('error', handleFileError);


// File complete handler
function handleFileLoad(event) {

    var img = preload.getResult("background",true);
    $('.main').css('background-image', 'url(' + img + ')');


// File progress handler
function handleFileProgress(event) {


// Overall progress handler
function handleOverallProgress(event) {


// An error happened on a file
function handleFileError(event) {



  • You can not pass an image instance to CSS. CSS uses a string, so you could use the item's original source instead:

    var imgSource = preload.getItem("background").src;
    $('.main').css('background-image', 'url(' + img + ')');

    Note that if you load the image using XHR (the default in PreloadJS), it may not pull from the cache, and instead load again. If you see this issue, I recommend using tag loading instead:

    preload = new createjs.LoadQueue(false, 'img/');
