I'm having trouble building a python binding for SQL cipher on my Windows machine. I have already sucessfully built the python binding for Macintosh. I would like to use my python script on both Mac and PC.
I’m new to python and don’t fully understand why it is failing but I began trying to debug the setup.py
script and found the error is in the build_extension(self, ext)
method at line 147.
Steps I took to build:
I cloned the repos above and followed Jerry’s instructions on how to build sqlcipher. I took the sqlite3.c and sqlite3.h files and placed them in your amalgamation folder then I attempted to build amalgamation. I got the error below. I attempted to just build and that failed with the same error as well.
running build_amalgamation
Builds a C extension using a sqlcipher amalgamation
building 'pysqlcipher3._sqlite3' extension
I'm new to python and any help would be appreciated.
See https://github.com/rigglemania/pysqlcipher3
1) Install the free VS 2015 Community Edition
Note: Make sure to select all the GCC options (VC++, C++, etc). If you are unsure select all options.
2) Installed a prebuilt OpenSSL binary (Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2d or later) from https:// slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html
3) Confirm that the OPENSSL_CONF environment variable is set properly in environment variables. See http:// www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm
Note: This should not be root openssl path (ex: C:/openssl-Win32), but instead should be the path to the config file (ex: C:/openssl-Win32/bin/openssl.cfg)
4) Copy the openssl folder in (C:/OpenSSL-Win32/include/openssl) directory to the VC include directory (ex: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0/VC/include)
Note: Confirm the following path exists (../../VC/include/openssl/aes.h)
5) Install Python 3.5 (32 bit).
Note: If you have python 64 bit installed you may have to uninstall it before installing python 32 bit.
6) Use the SQL Cipher 3 amalgamations or you may compile the latest SQL Cipher amalgamation by following this tutorial http://www.jerryrw.com/howtocompile.php.
7) Click start, Run, cmd. In the CMD prompt navigate to the folder where you checked out this repository. Run "python setup.py build_amalgamation"
8) Run "python setup.py install". Test the new library by attempting to decrypt a database.
Note: If the decrypt fails please check that you have the correct amalgamation files.