How to move the View with the animation from the current position (translate, rotate & scale) to a new state of the matrix?
Current values (...) ==> animate ==> New values (scale: 1, transX: 20, transY: 700, angle: 0)
I use the following code, the move occurs without animation.
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.setTranslate(20, 700);
MyAnimation animation = new MyAnimation(matrix);
public class MyAnimation extends Animation {
private Matrix matrix;
public MyAnimation(Matrix matrix) {
this.matrix = matrix;
protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) {
super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t);
How to make the animation work? What alternatives can be used to achieve this objective?
Why go all the trouble to modify the Matrix
of the View
to animate it's scale and traslation. Just use Property Animation
. You can read more about it here:
You can use an ObjectAnimator
to perform the animation you require.