I'm using SweetAlert on my nodeJS project and it's working like a charm, except by the fact that when I show a confirmation modal it sets the focus to the confirmation button and it gets this awful outline.
This is how I wanted it to be:
I already tried to override it's styles and set outline to none, but it didn't worked:
.sweet-alert button.confirm {
outline: none !important; }
I've also tried to get rid of any outline with this style:
*:focus, *:active {
outline: 0 !important; }
This is the code I'm using to fire the SweetAlert modal:
swal({ title: "Confirmation",
text: "Are you sure you want to remove this credit card?",
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonText: "Yes, remove it",
closeOnConfirm: true },
This is the piece of code within sweetalert.min.js that sets the focus:
Any ideas on how can I get rid of this outline?
.class:focus { overflow: hidden; }
replace "class" with your required class