
Using Google Maps in wkhtmltoimage / imgkit

Is it posible to create an image with IMGKit with google maps on it?

The problem is that i need to 'include' some javascript, but with IMGKit you can't include javascript from a remote server.

Is there a way to include:

= javascript_include_tag "//"
= javascript_include_tag "//"

to the IMGKit?

kit =, :quality => 100, :width => 500, :height => 500)
kit.stylesheets << 'app/assets/stylesheets/some_style.scss'
kit.stylesheets << '//'
kit.stylesheets << '//'

Thanks for your help.


  • If anyone needs to create an image from an google map with IMGKit you can use the Static Google Map API.

    To generate such an image in rails have a look at this link.