
Detecting text in image using MSER

I'm trying to follow this tutorial to detect text in image using Matlab.

As a first step, the tutorial uses detectMSERFeatures to detect textual regions in the image. However, when I use this step on my image, the textual regions aren't detected.

Here is the snippet I'm using:

colorImage = imread('demo.png');
I = rgb2gray(colorImage);
% Detect MSER regions.
[mserRegions] = detectMSERFeatures(I, ...
    'RegionAreaRange',[200 8000],'ThresholdDelta',4);
hold on
plot(mserRegions, 'showPixelList', true,'showEllipses',false)
title('MSER regions')
hold off

And here is the original image

and here is the image after the first step

[![enter image description here][2]][2]


I've played around with parameters but none seem to detect textual region perfectly. Is there a better way to accomplish this than tweaking numbers? Tweaking the parameters won't work for wide array of images I might have.

Some parameters I've tried and their results:

[mserRegions] = detectMSERFeatures(I, ...
    'RegionAreaRange',[30 100],'ThresholdDelta',12);

[mserRegions] = detectMSERFeatures(I, ...
    'RegionAreaRange',[30 600],'ThresholdDelta',12);


  • Disclaimer: completely untested.

    Try reducing MaxAreaVariation, since your text & background have very little variation (reduce false positives). You should be able to crank this down pretty far since it looks like the text was digitally generated (wouldn't work as well if it was a picture of text).

    Try reducing the minimum value for RegionAreaRange, since small characters may be smaller than 200 pixels (increase true positives). At 200, you're probably filtering out most of your text.

    Try increasing ThresholdDelta, since you know there is stark contrast between the text and background (reduce false positives). This won't be quite as effective as MaxAreaVariation for filtering, but should help a bit.