import os, cv2, imagehash, PIL
hashList = []
path = "C:\cardscryer\CardScryer-master\pictures"
folderList = os.listdir(path)
for folder in folderList:
fileList = os.listdir(folder)
for file in fileList:
cardImage = cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder, file))
cropImage = cardImage[15:200, 20:420]
hash = imagehash.phash(PIL.Image.fromarray(cropImage))
file = file.replace('.jpg','')
hashList.append([file[:-4], folder, hash])
I think "cv2.imread(os.path.join(folder, file))" is returning as none for some reason because the next assignment gives a nonetype error but it only breaks when all the sub folders are running. Changing it to run on only the sub folder that the error happens in; it runs fine. I'm most baffled by the returns being different on such a minor change.
When using backslashes in Windows pathnames, either escape them or use raw strings:
path = "C:\\cardscryer\\CardScryer-master\\pictures"
path = r"C:\cardscryer\CardScryer-master\pictures"