
Joda ISODateTimeFormat not using timezone in String

I have a two part issue, or maybe its two different ways to solve this. I receive an ISO string like 2015-11-17T17:10:24-0800. The end goal is to display the string as 11/17/15 5:10 PM in some HTML generated by some Freemarker. The string I receive could be in any timezone, but I always need to display the string in its local timezone as shown above. Currently, our code was just taking the string and passing it into the template and coverting as such:

<#assign mydate = obj.mydate?datetime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz")?string.short>

This is no longer good since I believe Freemarker is using the system's local timezone and now we are getting more than one timezone. I see there is an iso method in freemarker. So I try

<#assign order_date = order.order_date?iso("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssz")>

but I keep getting error:

For "?iso" left-hand operand: Expected a date, but this evaluated to a string

Ok I need a date. Working with Joda, I try and create a datetime object by:

DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis().parseDateTime("2015-11-17T17:10:24-0800");

But that appears to use my local timezone as well and shows 2015-11-17T20:10:24.000-05:00. I know I could do withZone(...) but I dont know the zone other than the -0800 or whatever zone is passed at the end of the string. So I'm at a loss of what to do now. Oh, and I cannot change the format of the string I receive.


  • DateTime dateTime = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTimeNoMillis().withOffsetParsed().parseDateTime("2015-11-17T17:10:24-0800");

    This will create a DateTime with a fixed timezone offset of -08:00.