I have a rails 4 app that uses ruby-filemagic
, and so filemagic
needs to be installed on the system.
I've tried installing it on Heroku by mimicing solutions to this question, but it just won't work. I've tried multiple things, but the one I think is the most promising is installing via apt-get
thanks to a combination of the (modified) apt-get, config and ruby buildpacks.
In the config, I use BUNDLE_BUILD__RUBY-FILEMAGIC: --with-magic-dir=/app/.apt/usr/ --with-magic-include=/app/.apt/usr/include --with-magic-lib=/app/.apt/usr/lib
Eventually, I still get this:
/tmp/build_29e629f8a00379850ab44096c10f1afc/vendor/ruby-2.0.0/bin/ruby extconf.rb --with-magic-dir=/tmp/build_29e629f8a00379850ab44096c10f1afc/.apt/usr/ --with-magic-include=/tmp/build_29e629f8a00379850ab44096c10f1afc/.apt/usr/include --with-magic-lib=/tmp/build_29e629f8a`00379850ab44096c10f1afc/.apt/usr/lib
checking for main() in -lgnurx... no
checking for magic_open() in -lmagic... no
*** ERROR: missing required library to compile this module
*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary
libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may
need configuration options.
did get installed into this directory. Its contents are equivalent to the contents of the deb
package, although it does seem quite light.
I was able to get this working:
The heroku-bundle-config was not necessary.