Currently when Intellij IDEA autocompletes block comments, e.g. typing /**+<return>
, IDEA will create a block comment like so:
* Comment goes here
However, scaladoc recommends that block comment bodies are aligned differently:
* Comment here
(Note the whitespace difference).
How is this configured?
I can't see support for this in IntelliJ; I think if it was there, it would be under Preferences > Editor > Code Style > Java > JavaDoc
. Even though it says JavaDoc, changing these settings also affects Scala and ScalaDoc code.
I'd recommend using Scalariform to achieve this. Scalariform is a code formatter that will format you code on compile, regardless of what you type into IntelliJ. It has a setting called placeScaladocAsterisksBeneathSecondAsterisk which is exactly what you want.