How to remove tasks (TODO) from

I configure my task lists to be shown by some standard words (TODO, FIXme...).
Now I see some task in my project
It's an auto-generated file and I do not see any option to exclude this file from tasks:

    public static int fbrowse_item_text_color=0x7f070056;
    public static int header_color=0x7f07006d;
    /**  TODO: This is 40% alpha on the default accent color. 
    public static int highlighted_text_material_dark=0x7f070020;

It annoys me.
I don't want to see in tasks this 'dead' TODO.

Is there any way to exclude files from the TODO lists?


  • Although it is not a good practice in general, you could remove these contents from the Android SDK code. It looks like the comments are in $ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-21/data/res/values/colors_material.xml

    <!-- TODO: This is 40% alpha on the default accent color. -->
    <color name="highlighted_text_material_dark">#6680cbc4</color>
    <!-- TODO: This is 40% alpha on the default accent color. -->
    <color name="highlighted_text_material_light">#66009688</color>

    So if you remove these XML comments from the SDK code, they will then be omitted from the generated code.

    Again, it is not a good practice to edit Android SDK code, although in this case the removal of comments is safe (i.e. it wont hurt anything).