What is wrong with this code, need ideas Thanks. I have Used another Method which was fine for me, but my head of my Team said it was not Okay, because we needed one of the matched Results of the user input to echo back after submit. so i come up with something like. but it still not working Okay.
//One of this should be my Results after input submited.
$type = array(
0 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Du bist Weltenbummler"
1 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Luxusliebhaber"
2 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Naturbursche/-madle"
3 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Sunnyboy/-girl"
4 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Wasserratte"
5 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Wellnessliebhaber"
6 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Adrenalinjunkie"
7 => array(
"val" => 0,
"title" => "Städtebummler"
//this are my post data which is being looped to store the user input value
$type = "";
$current = 0;
$exp = explode(',', $_POST['expenditure']);
foreach($exp as $key => $arrE){
$arrEx = $arrE;
if($arrE < 300) {
$type[0]["val"] += 0;
$type[1]["val"] += 0.1;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 0.3;
$type[4]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[5]["val"] += 1;
$type[6]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[7]["val"] += 1;
if($arrEx >= 300 && $arrEx <= 500) {
$type[0]["val"] += 0;
$type[1]["val"] += 1;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1;
$type[4]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[5]["val"] += 1;
$type[6]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[7]["val"] += 1;
if($arrEx >= 600 && $arrEx <= 800) {
$type[0]["val"] += 1;
$type[1]["val"] += 1;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1;
$type[4]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[5]["val"] += 1;
$type[6]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[7]["val"] += 1;
if($arrEx >= 900 && $arrEx <= 1000) {
$type[0]["val"] += 2;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1;
$type[4]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[5]["val"] += 1.3;
$type[6]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[7]["val"] += 1.5;
if($arrEx >= 1500 && $arrEx <= 3000) {
$type[0]["val"] += 2;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1;
$type[4]["val"] += 0.7;
$type[5]["val"] += 1.3;
$type[6]["val"] += 2.2;
$type[7]["val"] += 2.1;
$Season = explode(',', $_POST['seasonString']);
foreach($Season as $key => $arrS){
$arrSe = $arrS;
if( $arrSe == "1"){
$type[0]["val"] += 1;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[2]["val"] += 0.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1;
$type[4]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[5]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[6]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[7]["val"] += 2.0;}
if( $arrSe == "2"){
$type[0]["val"] += 0.5;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.1;
$type[2]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1.0;
$type[4]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[5]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[6]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[7]["val"] += 2.0;}
if( $arrSe == "3"){
$type[0]["val"] += 0.5;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.1;
$type[2]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 1.0;
$type[4]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[5]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[6]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[7]["val"] += 2.0;}
if( $arrSe == "4"){
$type[0]["val"] += 0.5;
$type[1]["val"] += 1.1;
$type[2]["val"] += 1.4;
$type[3]["val"] += 0.5;
$type[4]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[5]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[6]["val"] += 2.0;
$type[7]["val"] += 2.0;
//First loop
if($i == 0) {
$title = $type[0]["title"];
$current = $type[0]["val"];
if($type[$i]["val"] > $current) {
$title = $type[$i]["title"];
echo $type;
Complete guess ...
$index = 0;
$max = $type[0]["val"];
for($i=1; $i<count($type); $i++) {
if($type[$i]["val"] > $max) {
$index = $i;
$max = $type[$i]["val"];
echo "Du bist " . $type[$index]["title"];
or, even simpler :
$maxItem = $type[0];
for($i = 1; $i < count($type); $i++) {
if($type[$i]["val"] > $maxItem["val"]) {
$maxItem = $type[$i];
echo "Du bist " . $maxItem["title"];