
Navigate to another page on button click

I am developed the Windows mobile application I've added the button for VS blend 2015 , but there's no button navigate to option how to bind to my button for the page sub.xaml

<Button x:Name="button" Content="Enter" Height="42" Margin="122,-113,0,0" 
     VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="144" Foreground="#FF50CBC5" 
     Background="#FF0F0E0E" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>


  • The hyperlink button gives you the option to navigate to another page onclick.

    This screen shot is from Blend.

    enter image description here

    So change your mark up as follows, including the generated Click handler.

    <HyperlinkButton x:Name="button" Click="HyperlinkButton_Click"
        Content="Enter" Height="42" Margin="122,-113,0,0" 
        VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="144" Foreground="#FF50CBC5" 
        Background="#FF0F0E0E" HorizontalAlignment="Left"/>

    Then in your cs, you need to direct the navigation.

    // Button to navigate to sub.xaml page.
    private void HyperlinkButton_Click(object sender, Windows.UI.Xaml.RoutedEventArgs e)
        // Navigate back to sub.xaml page.