
Compile Error with std::deque::erase with const members of the class

I get an compile error here and I have no idea whats wrong with the code. I am using g++ 4.9.2.


using std::string;
using std::deque;

class Dummy {
    virtual ~Dummy(){};
    Dummy():ID_("00") {};

    const string ID_;

int main(){
    deque <Dummy> waiter;
    waiter.erase( waiter.begin() );
    return 0;

Edit: I know that removing the const removes the compilation error, but I have no idea why. Anyway, I need this const.


  • std::deque::erase expects the type of element should be MoveAssignable:

    Type requirements

    T must meet the requirements of MoveAssignable.

    And class Dummy has a const member const string ID_;, which make it not assignable by default assignment operator.

    You might make ID_ a non-const member, or provide your own assignment operator to make it assignable. e.g.

    Dummy& operator=(const Dummy&) { /* do nothing */ }
