I'm trying to format a UUIDv4 into a url friendly string. The typical format in base16 is pretty long and has dashes:
To avoid dashes and underscores I was going to use base58 (like bitcoin does) so each character fully encode sqrt(58).floor = 7 bits
I can pack the uuid into binary with:
[ uuid.delete('-') ].pack('H*')
To get 8-bit unsigned integers its:
How can i unpack every 7-bits into 8-bit unsigned integers? Is there a pattern to scan 7-bits at a time and set the high bit to 0?
require 'base58'
uuid ="123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"
=> "3fEgj34VWmVufdDD1fE1Su"
and back again
=> "123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000"
A handy pattern to reconstruct the uuid format from a template
template = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
src = "123e4567e89b12d3a456426655440000".each_char
template.each_char.reduce(''){|acc, e| acc += e=='-' ? e : src.next}
=> "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"