Here is my code,
Globalize.format(50.635676576567%, 'n2')
it throw syntax error because of % has been added in number. but i need to show the output as 50.64%. how to achieve generic way{note: the symbol can be anything like character or special number anything...}
Globalize.format(50.635676576567%, 'n2') = 50.64%
Globalize.format(50.635676576567C, 'n2') = 50.64C
Globalize.format(50.635676576567@, 'n2') = 50.64@
Globalize.format($50.635676576567, 'n2') = $50.64
Globalize.format(#50.635676576567, 'n2') = #50.64
Globalize.format(50.635676576567world, 'n2') = 50.64 world
how to achieve?
Please try this code. You must split the characters and numbers to perform globalize format
var str = "Globalize.format(50.635676576567world, 'n2') Globalize.format($50.635676576567, 'n2') ",
while (str.indexOf('Globalize.format(') >= 0) {
substr = str.substring(str.indexOf('Globalize.format('), str.indexOf(")") + 1);
var calculate = substr.substring(substr.indexOf('(') + 1, substr.indexOf(",")),
character = calculate.replace(/[0-9.]/g, ''),
numberic = calculate.replace(/[^\d.]/g, ''),
index = calculate.indexOf(character),
formatedString = substr.replace(character, "");
if (index == 0)
formatedString = character + eval(formatedString);
formatedString = eval(formatedString) + character;
str = str.replace(substr, formatedString);
Hope this will help you.