I am trying to write a imgix directive for AngularJS. Here is my code:
.directive('imgix', function() {
return {
replace: true,
scope: {
url: '='
restrict: "A",
template: "<img class='thumbnail inline' width={{w}} height={{h}} src='https://mysite.imgix.net/{{url}}?h={{h}}&w={{w}}&fit=crop'>",
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
function ctrl(value, mode) {
// check inputs
if ((value === null) || (value === undefined) || (value === '')) {
// let's do nothing if the value comes in empty, null or undefined
scope.h = attrs.height || 50;
scope.w = attrs.width || 50;
scope.url = value;
// by default the values will come in as undefined so we need to setup a
// watch to notify us when the value changes
scope.$watch(attrs.url, function(value) {
ctrl(value, 'url');
And in html, I have 2 images:
<img imgix data-height="200" data-width="200" url="theme.options.homepageBackground" />
<img imgix data-height="200" data-width="200" url="theme.options.menuBackground" />
But the result is like in the picture:
I didn't understand what is wrong. Is there something about scope?
Your directive scope is bound to the parent scope. Either use a child or isolated scope instead.
MetronicApp.directive('imgix', function() {
return {
scope: {
url: '='