
Sitecore ECM AutomationStatesStatisticsByMessage

I'm using Sitecore 8.0 + EXM 3.1.1.

After installation of the QA server and some test payload, the table "Fact_AutomationStatesStatisticsByMessage" in Analitycs DB remains empty. There're no errors in Log files event in the DEBUG mode. I expect some data in the table because the table is updated on our DEV servers and reflects the number of sent/opened messages.

Any ideas, why?


  • I did figure it out.

    There is a collection named "AutomationStateDefinition" in Mongo "Analytics" DB. It is supposed to be filled with all Automation States of all active Email Campaigns. It was empty on the new installed environment because I didn't copy Mongo Databases to the new environment, I just wanted them to be empty. However if this collection is empty Sitecore is not able to update the "Fact_AutomationStatesStatisticsByMessage" SQL table.

    Actually the log saying something like: "ERROR Unable to get automation state definition"

    That might be a problem when you install new environment. The solution for me was deactivate and then activate each Email in EXM. The Mongo "AutomationStateDefinition" collection is filled with records once you activate EXM Email.