I am laoding a .ttl file into the Jena Fuseki server and instead of the default graph I am using the named graph <http://examples/test>
/home/user/jena-fuseki-1.1.1/./s-put http://example/test /home/user/testdata.ttl
I am able to load the graph and retrieve result using the following command.
/home/user/jena-fuseki-1.1.1/./s-get http://example/test
But when I start querying using the s-query
command, it is taking the default unnamed graph. How to make the s-query
command work on the named graph.
/home/user/jena-fuseki-1.1.1/./s-query --service http://localhost:3030/ds/query 'SPARQL Query'
This is doing the query on the default unnamed graph. How to make it work on the named graph <http://example/test>
To access the named graph in a query, use the GRAPH
SELECT ?subject ?predicate ?object
GRAPH <http://examples/test>
?subject ?predicate ?object