
Postgresql 9.4 query gets progressively slower when joining TSTZRANGE with &&

I am running a query that gets progressively slower as records are added. Records are added continuously via an automated process (bash calling psql). I would like to correct this bottle neck; however, I don't know what my best option is.

This is the output from pgBadger: Chart of queries executed per hour

Hour    Count   Duration    Avg duration
00      9,990   10m3s       60ms     <---ignore this hour
02      1       60ms        60ms     <---ignore this hour
03      4,638   1m54s       24ms     <---queries begin with table empty
04      30,991  55m49s      108ms    <---first full hour of queries running
05      13,497  58m3s       258ms
06      9,904   58m32s      354ms
07      10,542  58m25s      332ms
08      8,599   58m42s      409ms
09      7,360   58m52s      479ms
10      6,661   58m57s      531ms
11      6,133   59m2s       577ms
12      5,601   59m6s       633ms
13      5,327   59m9s       666ms
14      4,964   59m12s      715ms
15      4,759   59m14s      746ms
16      4,531   59m17s      785ms
17      4,330   59m18s      821ms
18      939     13m16s      848ms

The table structure looks like this:

    "Details1" VARCHAR

Table "Parent" has a one to many relationship with table "Foo":

    "ParentID" int4 NOT NULL REFERENCES "Parent" ("ParentID"),
    "Details1" VARCHAR

Table "Foo" has a one to many relationship with table "Bar":

    "FooID" int8 NOT NULL REFERENCES "Foo" ("FooID"),
    "Timerange" tstzrange NOT NULL,
    "Detail1" VARCHAR,
    "Detail2" VARCHAR,
    CONSTRAINT "Bar_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("FooID", "Timerange")
CREATE INDEX  "Bar_FooID_Timerange_idx" ON "Bar" USING gist("FooID", "Timerange");

Additionally, table "Bar" may not contain overlapping "Timespan" values for the same "FooID" or "ParentID". I have created a trigger that fires after any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE that prevents overlapping ranges.

The trigger includes a section that look similar to this:

    "cte" AS (
            JOIN "Bar" ON "Foo"."FooID" = "Bar"."FooID"
            "Foo"."FooID" = 1234
    JOIN "Foo" ON 
        "cte"."ParentID" = "Foo"."ParentID"
        AND "cte"."FooID" <> "Foo"."FooID"
    JOIN "Bar" ON
        "Foo"."FooID" = "Bar"."FooID"
        AND "cte"."Timespan" && "Bar"."Timespan";

The results from EXPLAIN ANALYSE:

Nested Loop  (cost=7258.08..15540.26 rows=1 width=130) (actual time=8.052..147.792 rows=1 loops=1)
  Join Filter: ((cte."FooID" <> "Foo"."FooID") AND (cte."ParentID" = "Foo"."ParentID"))
  Rows Removed by Join Filter: 76
  CTE cte
    ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.68..7257.25 rows=1000 width=160) (actual time=1.727..1.735 rows=1 loops=1)
          ->  Function Scan on "fn_Bar"  (cost=0.25..10.25 rows=1000 width=104) (actual time=1.699..1.701 rows=1 loops=1)
          ->  Index Scan using "Foo_pkey" on "Foo" "Foo_1"  (cost=0.42..7.24 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.023..0.025 rows=1 loops=1)
                Index Cond: ("FooID" = "fn_Bar"."FooID")
  ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.41..8256.00 rows=50 width=86) (actual time=1.828..147.188 rows=77 loops=1)
        ->  CTE Scan on cte  (cost=0.00..20.00 rows=1000 width=108) (actual time=1.730..1.740 rows=1 loops=1)
   **** ->  Index Scan using "Bar_FooID_Timerange_idx" on "Bar"  (cost=0.41..8.23 rows=1 width=74) (actual time=0.093..145.314 rows=77 loops=1)
              Index Cond: ((cte."Timespan" && "Timespan"))
  ->  Index Scan using "Foo_pkey" on "Foo"  (cost=0.42..0.53 rows=1 width=64) (actual time=0.004..0.005 rows=1 loops=77)
        Index Cond: ("FooID" = "Bar"."FooID")
Planning time: 1.490 ms
Execution time: 147.869 ms

(**** emphasis mine)

This seems to show that 99% of the work being done is in the JOIN from "cte" to "Bar" (via "Foo") ... but it is already using the appropriate index... it's still just too slow.

So I ran:

    pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('"Bar"')) AS "Table",
    pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('"Bar_FooID_Timerange_idx"')) AS "Index";


    Table    |    Index
 283 MB      | 90 MB

Does an index of this size (relative to the table) offer much in terms of read performance? I was considering a sudo-partition where the index is replaced with several partial indexes... maybe the partials would have less to maintain (and read) and performance would improve. I have never seen this done, just an idea. If this is an option, I can't think of any good way to limit the segments given this would be on a TSTZRANGE value.

I also think adding the "ParentID" to "Bar" would speed things up, but I don't want to denormalize.

What other choices do I have?

Impact of changes recommended by Erwin Brandstetter

Chart of queries executed per hour

At the peak performance (hour 18:00), the process was adding 14.5 records per second consistently... up from 1.15 records per second.

This was the result of:

  1. Adding "ParentID" to table "Bar"
  2. Adding a foreign key constraint to "Foo" ("ParentID", "FooID")
  3. Adding EXCLUDE USING gist ("ParentID" WITH =, "Timerange" WITH &&) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED (btree_gist module already installed)


  • Exclusion constraint

    Additionally, table "Bar" may not contain overlapping "Timespan" values for the same "FooID" or "ParentID". I have created a trigger that fires after any INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE that prevents overlapping ranges.

    I suggest you use an exclusion constraint instead, which is much simpler, safer and faster:

    You need to install the additional module btree_gist first. See instructions and explanation in this related answer:

    And you need to include "ParentID" in the table "Bar" redundantly, which will be a small price to pay. Table definitions could look like this:

    CREATE TABLE "Foo" (
       "FooID"    serial PRIMARY KEY
       "ParentID" int4 NOT NULL REFERENCES "Parent"
       "Details1" varchar
       CONSTRAINT foo_parent_foo_uni UNIQUE ("ParentID", "FooID")  -- required for FK
    CREATE TABLE "Bar" (
       "ParentID"  int4 NOT NULL,
       "FooID"     int4 NOT NULL REFERENCES "Foo" ("FooID"),
       "Timerange" tstzrange NOT NULL,
       "Detail1"   varchar,
       "Detail2"   varchar,
       CONSTRAINT "Bar_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("FooID", "Timerange"),
       CONSTRAINT bar_foo_fk
          FOREIGN KEY ("ParentID", "FooID") REFERENCES "Foo" ("ParentID", "FooID"),
       CONSTRAINT bar_parent_timerange_excl
          EXCLUDE USING gist ("ParentID" WITH =, "Timerange" WITH &&)

    I also changed the data type for "Bar"."FooID" from int8 to int4. It references "Foo"."FooID", which is a serial, i.e. int4. Use the matching type int4 (or just integer) for several reasons, one of them being performance.

    You don't need a trigger any more (at least not for this task), and you don't create the index "Bar_FooID_Timerange_idx" any more, since it's created implicitly by the exclusion constraint.

    A btree index on ("ParentID", "FooID") will most probably be useful, though:

    CREATE INDEX bar_parentid_fooid_idx ON "Bar" ("ParentID", "FooID");


    I chose UNIQUE ("ParentID", "FooID") and not the other way round for a reason, since there is another index with leading "FooID" in either table:

    Aside: I never use double-quoted CaMeL-case identifiers in Postgres. Only doing that here to comply with your layout.

    Avoid redundant column

    If you cannot or will not include "Bar"."ParentID" redundantly, there is another rogue way - on the condition that "Foo"."ParentID" is never updated. Make sure of that, with a trigger for instance.

    You can fake an IMMUTABLE function:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_parent_of_foo(int)
      RETURNS int AS
    'SELECT "ParentID" FROM public."Foo" WHERE "FooID" = $1'

    I schema-qualified the table name to make sure, assuming public. Adapt to your schema.


    Then use it in the exclusion constraint:

       CONSTRAINT bar_parent_timerange_excl
          EXCLUDE USING gist (f_parent_of_foo("FooID") WITH =, "Timerange" WITH &&)

    While saving one redundant int4 column, the constraint will be more expensive to verify and the whole solution depends on more preconditions.

    Handle conflicts

    You could wrap INSERT and UPDATE into a plpgsql function and trap possible exceptions from the exclusion constraint (23P01 exclusion_violation) to handle it some way.

    INSERT ...
        WHEN exclusion_violation
        THEN  -- handle conflict

    Complete code example:

    Handle conflict in Postgres 9.5

    In Postgres 9.5 you can handle INSERT directly with the new "UPSERT" implementation. The documentation:

    The optional ON CONFLICT clause specifies an alternative action to raising a unique violation or exclusion constraint violation error. For each individual row proposed for insertion, either the insertion proceeds, or, if an arbiter constraint or index specified by conflict_target is violated, the alternative conflict_action is taken. ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING simply avoids inserting a row as its alternative action. ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE updates the existing row that conflicts with the row proposed for insertion as its alternative action.


    Note that exclusion constraints are not supported with ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE.

    But you can still use ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, thus avoiding possible exclusion_violation exceptions. Just check whether any rows were actually updated, which is cheaper:

    INSERT ... 
    ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT bar_parent_timerange_excl DO NOTHING;
       -- handle conflict
    END IF;

    This example restricts the check to the given exclusion constraint. (I named the constraint explicitly for this purpose in the table definition above.) Other possible exceptions are not caught.