I am trying to return files with extensions .css and .styl, located in different folders, and use them in a Gulp task, without much success. I wonder what I am doing wrong here? This is my code at this point:
var pattrn = /(styl|css)$/g;
var path1 = './dev/**/';
var paths = {
dev_styles: path1.match( pattrn ),
build: './build'
gulp.task( 'styles', function() {
var processors = [
autoprefixer( { browsers: [ 'last 2 version' ] } )
return gulp
.src( paths.dev_styles )
.pipe( plugins.postcss( processors ) )
.pipe( plugins.rename( { suffix: '.min'} ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( paths.build ) );
I am getting this error:
Error: Invalid glob argument: null
Well, your problem is that thats not how gulp works.
Check the documentation about gulp.src, it states:
gulp.src(globs[, options]) accept glob or array of globs to read.
This means you dont need to do fancy (weird) filtering, specifying a proper node-glob syntax would be enough.
Going back to your problem, this will fix it:
gulp.task( 'styles', function() {
var processors = [
autoprefixer( { browsers: ['last 2 version' ] } )
return gulp
.src( 'root_to_styl_files/**/*.styl' ) // Will get all .styl files in the specified folder & subfolders
.pipe( plugins.postcss( processors ) )
.pipe( plugins.rename( { suffix: '.min' } ) )
.pipe( gulp.dest( './build' ) );