
Onsen-UI Carousel with indicators and next/previous buttons

I am using carousel and want to have indicators (highlight the current one) and next/previous togglers.

    <div class="center">Carousel</div>
  <ons-carousel swipeable overscrollable auto-scroll fullscreen var="myCarousel">
    <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: gray;">
      <div class="item-label">GRAY</div>
    <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #085078;">
      <div class="item-label">BLUE</div>
    <ons-carousel-item style="background-color: #373B44;">
      <div class="item-label">DARK</div>
      <div class="cover-label">1 2 3</div>

Sorry for a stupid question but I read documentation and all references and haven't got an idea how to make it working. My codepen is here: http://codepen.io/onsen/pen/xbbzOQ


  • You can use postchange event to change the style of the current item, for example.


      <div class="cover-label">
        <span class="indicators"> 1 </span>
        <span class="indicators"> 2 </span>
        <span class="indicators"> 3 </span>
        <span class="indicators"> 4 </span>


    document.querySelectorAll('.indicators')[0].style.color = 'red';
    document.addEventListener('ons-carousel:postchange', function(event){
        document.querySelectorAll('.indicators')[event.lastActiveIndex].style.color = 'white';
        document.querySelectorAll('.indicators')[event.activeIndex].style.color = 'red';

    Working here: http://codepen.io/frankdiox/pen/QyLVqM