
textAngular header button cannot be larger?

Currently, I'm using textAngular for my project. I'm trying to increase toolbar button and add label under that button. Problem is even I can increase button except H1, H2, H3 and cannot able to add label under each icon.

enter image description here

        taOptions.classes = {
            focussed: 'focussed',
            toolbar: 'btn-toolbar',
            toolbarGroup: 'btn-group btn-group-lg',
            toolbarButton: 'btn btn-default btn-lg',
            toolbarButtonActive: 'active',
            disabled: 'disabled',
            textEditor: 'form-control',
            htmlEditor: 'form-control'


  • You can use the option ta-toolbar-button-class on text-angular element with the desired css classes. These classes will be applied to the toolbar buttons.

    For example you can add bootstrap classes btn btn-lg like ta-toolbar-button-class="btn btn-lg" on text-angular div. This will increase the size of all buttons equally.

    See Here : Plnkr