My model is as following: I have set of Dude
s, and each Dude
has a set of preferences. I can easily find Dude
s based on their single preference, but I need to find those preferring two different things. I tried to pass two Q
objects to filter()
function, but in generated SQL those two Q
object refer to the same related Preference
. I want them to refer to two different Preferences
. To make matters worse, I need to query several attributes of related model (=Preference
), so I cannot use simple __in
class Dude(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class Preference(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
how_much = models.CharField(max_length=200)
dude = models.ForeignKey(Dude)
Test Case:
class DudesTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
dude = Dude.objects.create(name = 'Dude')
cheese = Preference.objects.create(name = 'Cheese', how_much = "very", dude = dude)
bacon = Preference.objects.create(name = 'Bacon', how_much = "absolutely_love", dude = dude)
# does work
def test_cheese_lovers(self):
d = Dude.objects.filter(preference__name = 'Cheese', how_much = "very")
self.assertEquals(d[0].name, 'Dude')
# does not work - wants a single Preference to be both cheese and bacon
def test_cheese_and_bacon_lovers(self):
d = Dude.objects.filter(
Q(preference__name = 'Cheese', how_much = "very"),
Q(preference__name = 'Bacon', how_much = "absolutely_love"),
self.assertEquals(d[0].name, 'Dude')
Clarification: I don't want to find dudes liking either cheese or bacon, I need folks satisfying both conditions at the same time.
I think this should work
def test_cheese_and_bacon_lovers(self):
d = Dude.objects.filter(
how_much__in=("very", "absolutely_love"),
how_much__in=("very", "absolutely_love"),
self.assertEquals(d[0].name, 'Dude')
This usage is described in the docs here: