I have a TypeAhead/Bloodhound implementation in my frontend, that fetches JSON-data from a Play/Scala-server. Typeahead-version is 0.11.1. The implementation is as follows:
<div id="typeahead" class="col-md-8">
<input class="typeahead form-control" type="text" placeholder="Select the user">
var engine = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
var fullName = fullName(datum);
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(fullName);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
identify: function(obj) { return obj.id; },
remote: {
url: routes.controllers.Users.index("").url,
cache: false,
replace: function (url, query) {
if (!isEmpty(query)) {
url += encodeURIComponent(query);
return url;
filter: function (data) {
return $.map(data, function (user) {
return {
id: user.id,
fullName: viewModel.fullName(user)
// instantiate the typeahead UI
$('#typeahead .typeahead')
hint: true,
highlight: true,
minLength: 1,
name: 'engine',
displayKey: 'fullName',
source: engine
function fullName(data) {
if (data === undefined) return "";
else {
var fName = data.firstName === undefined ? "" : data.firstName;
var lName = data.lastName === undefined ? "" : data.lastName;
return fName + ' ' + lName;
JSON-response the server gives:
[{"firstName":"Test","lastName":"User", "id":1}, ... ]
The server pages the result so that it gives maximum of 5 results, which is supposed to be the default limit for Typeahead/Bloodhound as well.
The problem is that when the server returns 5 results, Typeahead shows 0 results in the overlay. If the server gives 4 results, TypeAhead shows 1 in the overlay. If the server gives 3 results, TypeAhead shows 2 results. For 2 and 1 results it shows the correct number of elements in the overlay. If I remove the page length and the server returns over 10 results, then TypeAhead shows 5 results (the limit). console.log inside the filter shows the correct number of data-results, so they go to Bloodhound at least.
What might be the issue with this code? This TypeAhead-field is the only TypeAhead-field present in this page. I checked the DOM, and TypeAhead generates wrong amount of result-set fields, so it's not a problem with CSS (tried to remove all custom CSS as well).
Thanks for any replies :)
Twitter supposedly abandoned the project. Try the maintained fork. It has the issue fixed.