I use the following Go code to get some info about the network interfaces. Any suggestions on how I would be able to get the status of promiscuous mode for each interface?
type Iface struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Multicast bool `json:"multicast"`
Broadcast bool `json:"broadcast"`
func (c *InterfacesController) GetInterfaces() {
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
if err != nil {
var ifaceset []Iface
var ifc Iface
for _, i := range interfaces {
ifc.Name = i.Name
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "up") {
ifc.Status = "UP"
} else {
ifc.Status = "DOWN"
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "multicast") {
ifc.Multicast = true
} else {
ifc.Multicast = false
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "broadcast") {
ifc.Broadcast = true
} else {
ifc.Broadcast = false
ifaceset = append(ifaceset, ifc)
The working environment is Ubuntu, I used the ifconfig
command and checked each interface details to see if it contains the word PROMISC
. Something like this:
// get the interfaces
interfaces, err := net.Interfaces()
// run the ifconfig command
out, err := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", "ifconfig").Output()
var ifc Iface
var ifaceset []Iface
// split the output to handle each interface separately
var ifaceDetails = strings.Split(string(out), "\n\n")
// iterate interfaces
for _, i := range interfaces {
ifc.Name = i.Name
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "up") {
ifc.Status = "UP"
} else {
ifc.Status = "DOWN"
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "multicast") {
ifc.Multicast = true
} else {
ifc.Multicast = false
if strings.Contains(i.Flags.String(), "broadcast") {
ifc.Broadcast = true
} else {
ifc.Broadcast = false
// try to find the word PROMISC to check if it is UP
for _, ifdetails := range ifaceDetails {
if strings.Contains(ifdetails, i.Name) {
if strings.Contains(ifdetails, "PROMISC") {
ifc.Promisc = true
} else {
ifc.Promisc = false
ifaceset = append(ifaceset, ifc)